Author: Kyle Johnston

Advice for Counselees: Making Your Counseling Experience More Effective, Part 2

There is a lot of material dedicated to guiding counselors for the task of counseling, but far less material that helps counselees get the most out of their counseling experience. However, for counseling to be truly effective, a counselee must know how to participate wisely in the process. Eliza Huie has already highlighted three crucial practices that make a counselee’s experience more effective. In this follow-up post, I would like to add three more. Together, we hope that these six practices will help you get the most from your counseling experience. Continue Reading →

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The Heartache of Rejected Counsel

Biblical counseling is difficult. If you’ve had any experience counseling others, you’ll know first-hand just how difficult it can be. We’re not the first generation of people who find biblical counseling or pastoral care difficult. Speaking of the difficulty of pastoral care, or of providing spiritual guidance, Gregory Nazianzen famously…
The post The Heartache of Rejected Counsel appeared first on Association of Certified Biblical Counselors.

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C.S. Lewis and Biblical Counseling

Biblical counseling is all about connecting truth to life. One of the biggest questions we keep reflecting on, as both givers and receivers of counsel, is how we might wisely connect truth to life. My first experience of God’s truth deeply challenging my heart and mind was when I read C.S. Lewis. Having grown up in a relatively Christianised environment, I was influenced by Christian truths—but nothing more. Like many, I had bouts of spiritual activity: attending church occasionally, visiting Youth Group, even going to a few camps. But internally, Christian truths had never made sense to me. But all of that changed when, as a 17-year-old, I read a book by C.S. Lewis. Continue Reading →

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Eternal Safety in a World of Danger

Where can safety be found? Whether it’s during a time of global panic as we face a terrifying new virus, or whether it’s in times of relative peace, the search for security is a perennial preoccupation of the human heart. One of the reasons for this is because the world is a dangerous place—something we feel especially acutely now, amid the Coronavirus. So, where can safety be found? Perhaps even more pointedly—is it possible to find genuine security in such a dangerous world? Continue Reading →

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Book Review of Safe and Sound: Standing Firm in Spiritual Battles by David Powlison

Spiritual warfare. It’s one of those phrases that will elicit an array of emotional and intellectual reactions. These reactions usually come from our experiences (or lack thereof), our church traditions, or our temperament. These reactions can also be wildly divergent, depending on what our experiences have been, which church tradition we come from, or what type of personality we have. Needless to say, spiritual warfare is one of those areas where we desperately need some wise guidance. Because, for all the divergent views that exist regarding spiritual warfare, as Christians, we would all agree that we are in a spiritual battle—and that we need to stand firm.  Continue Reading →

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