Tag: People in Need of Care

Wisdom for Difficult Conversations

Difficult conversations are a part of counseling ministry and life. From time to time, with varying degrees of intensity and frequency, we all face difficult conversations that make us vulnerable to experiencing the harsh reality of words that can cause destruction (James 3:6). But that’s not the whole story. The Word of God gives us hope to face difficult conversations. The gospel transforms hearts, which are the source of every spoken word (Luke 6:45). Thus, not only is it possible for us to grow in wisdom for difficult conversations, but it is also expected that God’s children learn a communication governed by heavenly values. Continue Reading →

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The Christian’s Hope of a Glorified Body

Pain always involves our bodies. It can be no other way. We feel even intellectual and emotional suffering in the body. This is because we are embodied spirits—we are each made of a body and soul . . . together . . . always. Therefore, when we suffer pain or we are ministering to another Christian amid theirs, it’s helpful for us to remember that the bodies we currently inhabit are temporary. Continue Reading →

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Eating Disorder Prevention: Preparation and Submission

Preparation and submission are two key elements of Christian parenting. We plan and strategize how to live faithfully to the Lord, and yet we know we are ultimately dependent upon Him for outcomes. We want to be able to control what happens; we want to keep our kids from sin, temptation, and suffering. There are things we can do to help our kids not develop an eating disorder, for example, but ultimately, we can’t devise fool-proof strategies that guarantee outcomes. So, when it comes to eating disorders, we make prevention plans and we pray for God’s help. Continue Reading →

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