Tag: Resources

New and Notable Christian Books for March 2025

As you know, I like to do my best to sort through the new Christian books that are released each month to see what stands out as being not only new but also particularly notable. I received quite a number of new books in March and narrowed the list down to the ones below. I have included the editorial description for each. I hope there’s something here that catches your eye!See AlsoNew and Notable Christian Books for January 2025New and Notable Christian Books for October 2024New and Notable Christian Books for March 2024

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New and Notable Christian Books for January 2025

As you know, I like to do my best to sort through the new Christian books that are released each month to see what stands out as being not only new, but also particularly notable. I received quite a number of books in January and narrowed the list down to the ones below. I have included the editorial description for each. I hope there’s something here that catches your eye!See AlsoNew and Notable Christian Books for October 2024New and Notable Christian Books for June 2024New and Notable Christian Books for March 2024

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Books about the Challenges of Parenting in a Modern World

Every generation of parents faces challenges as they raise their children in the discipline and instruction of the Lord. While some challenges are the same from age to age, others are unique to a particular time and context. Perhaps the greatest challenge of our day relates to new notions of gender, sexuality, and identity. Today’s parents need to equip themselves to understand these issues and train their children in them. Thankfully, we have many excellent resources available to us. Though I haven’t read them all, I have read quite a few. Here are some of the ones I most often recommend.See AlsoWhat Do I Say When…?Trusting Jesus in The Public Square Nurture Your Children

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The Collected Best Christian Books of 2024

I probably don’t need to tell you how much I love books in general, and Christian books in particular. One of my favorite times to be a reader is in mid-December when people begin to share their picks for the top books of the year. I usually collect a good number of these lists and scour them to see if there is any consensus. I have done that over the past few weeks and am ready to share the results. A few years ago it always seemed simple to find a few consensus picks. Recently, though, it has become far more difficult. So while I scour as many lists as ever, it is rare for a single book to appear on more than a handful of them. With that in mind, here are the ones that appeared repeatedly and, in a more subjective sense, seemed to generate the most positive buzz throughout the year. The Lord of Psalm 23: Jesus Our Shepherd, Companion, and Host by David Gibson. I read many positive reviews of this one throughout 2024 and also spotted it on several of the year-end roundups. What’s interesting to me is that it was also one of the ones that made last year’s list. My guess is that this is related to the fact that it released near the end of 2023 which meant that many people did not actually read it until 2024. Either way, it stood out to a number of people. (Buy it at Amazon or Westminster Books) What it…See AlsoThe Collected Best Christian Books of 2023The Collected Best Books of 2022The Consensus Best Books of 2020

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My 10 Favorite New Songs of 2024

I have wide-ranging tastes in music and will gladly listen to all kinds of different genres. I recently spent some time considering some of the new songs I enjoyed in 2024 and, focusing on songs by Christian artists, eventually narrowed my favorites down to this list of 10—my 10 favorite new songs of 2024. I’ve included YouTube videos and a Spotify playlist if you’d like to give them a listen yourself. They are in no particular order.See AlsoMy Favorite New Songs of 2023Contemporary HymnsChristmas Music Favorites

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12 Fresh Ways to Read Your Bible in 2025

A new year offers a new opportunity—an opportunity to rethink and refresh the way you read your Bible. While some have found a pattern or habit they love and will never deviate from, others like to look for new ways to read, digest, and apply the Word. For those who may be interested in trying something new, here are a few ideas that may be worth considering.See AlsoDust on the BibleA Major Drawback to Digital BiblesA La Carte (July 9)

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10 Christian Mega-Projects Released In 2024

Lots of great books and other resources came our way in 2024. Among them were some that were particularly “mega”—that represented an extraordinarily long, big, expansive, or audacious idea, and I wanted to give credit where credit is due. With apologies to any I missed, here is my list of some of the most mega projects of 2024. The Psalms: A Christ-Centered Commentary (4-Volume Set) by Christopher Ash. Few people are bold enough to write a commentary on the entire book of psalms. Fewer still are bold enough to write a four-volume commentary. Yet Ash came through with a tremendous set that is suitable for general readers and scholars alike. Here is what the publisher says about it: “In this comprehensive, 4-volume commentary, Christopher Ash provides a thorough treatment of all 150 Psalms, examining each psalm’s significance to David and the other psalmists, to Jesus during his earthly ministry, and to the church of Christ in every age. The first volume in the set is a detailed handbook that explains how to interpret the Psalms with Christ at the center. The remaining 3 volumes cover each psalm in depth, with introductory quotations, a deep analysis of the text’s structure and vocabulary, and a closing reflection and response. Ash also includes selected quotations from older readings of the Psalms, including patristic, medieval, Reformation, and post-Reformation scholars. Perfect for pastors, Bible teachers, and students, this commentary set helps readers sing and pray the Psalms with Christ in view.” (Best price at Amazon and Christianbook.com; also available at…See AlsoFree Stuff Fridays (Disciple-Making Resources)Battle PlanFree Desktop Wallpaper Calendars: November 2012

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Black Friday Deals for Christians

Black Friday is upon us and with it the opportunity to save a bit of money as we shop for the holidays or build out our libraries. I have listed hundreds of deals below and will be adding to it throughout the course of the weekend.See AlsoBlack Friday and Cyber Monday 2020 Deals for ChristiansBlack Friday Kindle Deals for the Christian ReaderBlack Friday & Cyber Monday 2010 Deals for Christians

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New and Notable Christian Books for November 2024

Before the month comes to an end and before my American friends disappear for their Thanksgiving holiday, I want to make sure you’re all aware of some new and notable books that came our way in November. We were treated to some excellent new titles this month so be sure to give them a look!See AlsoA La Carte (November 25)New and Notable Books for NovemberA La Carte (November 27)

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Now’s the Time to Prepare to Prepare for Christmas

It’s probably a bit too early to begin preparing for Christmas. But it’s not too early to begin preparing to prepare for Christmas. For example, if you want to use a guide or devotional in the lead-up to December 25, this is the time to start looking into your options and buying the one you deem suitable. To that end, I would like to offer a few suggestions, each of which is relatively new.See AlsoChristmas Devotionals for Groups, Individuals, and FamiliesA La Carte (October 31)Christmas Traditions

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New and Notable Christian Books for October 2024

As October draws to its close, I wanted to ensure you know about at least some of the most notable books it brought our way. I did not see quite the quantity of new books I have seen in some previous months, but there were still some special ones. For each, I’ve provided the publisher’s description to give you a sense of what it’s all about. Hopefully there is something here that’s of interest to you!See AlsoNew and Notable Christians Books from October 2020New and Notable Books for OctoberNew & Notable Books (March 2015)

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New Christian Books for Children and Teens

Every month I put together a roundup of new and notable books for grownup readers. But I also receive a lot of books for kids and teens, so like to put together the occasional roundup of these books as well. So today I bring you a whole big batch of new books for kids of all ages (up to and including teens).See AlsoNew and Notable Christian Books for September 2024A Whole Batch of New Books for KidsA Batch of New Books for Kids (and Teens)

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