Tag: Jesus

Hating Hate Without Hating Haters: What Did Jesus Teach Us About Hate?

This was a tough week in our country. In western Pennsylvania and multiple other communities across the country, hatred was on full display as bullets flew and lives were lost. The carnage and discourse over the last week has been unsettling as we all grapple with why our country continues to settle our divisions by shooting up political rallies, retail stores, nightclubs, … Read More
The post Hating Hate Without Hating Haters: What Did Jesus Teach Us About Hate? appeared first on Biblical Counseling Center.

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Rest for the High-Alert Mom

Moms, I have new socials! I would love to stay in touch with you. Also, I am blogging at Substack now: sarawallaceauthor.substack.com. Give me a follow and never miss an update! “Mom, my knee hurts.” A couple years ago that would have required a Band-Aid, a short rest on the couch, maybe even a, “You’reContinue reading “Rest for the High-Alert Mom”

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There is a Reason Why

Everywhere there is a growing consensus that Christianity in America is on the wane. Is that a true picture of things? The answer, of course, is that no one knows. The reason I say this is because of how the data are gathered–and then reported. Increasingly, all who profess to be Christians, are lumped together. …
The post There is a Reason Why appeared first on Institute for Nouthetic Studies | Biblical Counseling.

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I want to translate more accurately a very important passage of Scripture. It is the verse in Matthew 11:28 which reads, in the original: Come to Me all who labor and are heavily burdened, and I will refresh you. The idea is not merely to come to Christ to find rest from our futile efforts …
The post Refreshment appeared first on Institute for Nouthetic Studies | Biblical Counseling.

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