Being a Repenting Parent
“Hmm…exactly as I suspected. Practically perfect in every way!” So says Mary Poppins, after measuring herself with her famous tape measure. Now, as you may remember from the iconic movie, when she uses it on others—on the children—the tape measure reveals all of their faults and flaws. On poor young Michael, for instance, the tape measure shows that he is “extremely stubborn and suspicious” and that his sister Jane is “rather inclined to giggle, [and] doesn’t put things away.” Mary Poppins’ self-assessment is, of course, hilariously sanctimonious. And yet, perhaps there’s something in her self-assessment that is too true of us as parents. Like Mary, we can also be self-righteous. While we are very aware of the faults in our children, we might (unwittingly) be portraying an image to them that is practically perfect. Continue Reading →
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