Author: mdbe413

How to have the best day ever

It’s coming—the family event of the year. There will be variations of uncles with corny jokes, cousins that won’t forgive, and, well, let’s just say—interesting personalities. Pile on exhaustion, expectations, disappointments, and memories (good and bad) of years gone by and, my friend, you have what is known as a potentially hazardous situation. Potentially being […]

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Biblical Counseling Information

Why Biblical Counseling? The most significant decision you will ever make, concerns your willingness to follow God’s plan for your life as revealed in the Bible.   Biblical counseling is viewing and seeking to understand the problems we and others have from the practical perspective and wisdom found in God’s Word. It is looking to […]

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Why Biblical Counseling?

Are you interested in talking to a biblical counselor or acquiring some training in biblical counseling? This page will be my testimony of why I went to a biblical counselor and my journey to becoming a biblical counselor. Thank you for your prayers, as I work to complete this page.

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