Author: mdbe413

A plea for your life

To the one who is thinking about suicide – Thank you for reading this and considering my words. My prayer is that my words will help stop you from a desperate act that will destroy you and devastate others. Some voice is telling you right now that taking your life is the only way to […]

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I love speaking the truth of God’s Word to women of all ages!  From the age of nine, my dream was to become a teacher and God allowed me to officially teach kindergarteners through college-age students for 38 years. Along the way, I was blessed to also lead ladies’ classes and Bible studies, as well […]

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I Believe

Doctrinal Statement I believe in the triune God. God the Father, the Creator, Ruler, and Sustainer of the universe. God the Son, Jesus Christ, Who lived a sinless life then died for mankind’s atonement; rose bodily from the dead, ascended to heaven and yet, is now a constant presence in the lives of His children; […]

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