Author: Ernie Baker

Death Hath Confronted Us

In the last week, I have had two significant conversations about death. A friend suddenly lost his wife from Covid while recovering from his own case in the hospital. As we visited, we discussed the truths of 1 Corinthians 15. We cried. We reminisced. We talked about the importance of family, and we hugged. Most importantly, I prayed for my friend as he grieved and appealed to Yahweh to comfort him. We also thanked the Lord for the hope we have for eternity. Continue Reading →

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It Wasn’t Me! Getting Traction in Relationship Counseling

Relationship counseling can devolve into a blame game of “he says,” “she says,” and it can feel like you’re not getting any traction in counseling. It can be very hard for counselees to “take the log out of their own eye first.” How do you help counselees take personal responsibility so that you can get traction in relationship counseling? Read about two proven methods that can help. Continue Reading →

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Marriage Maintenance and Minefield Management

Andrew Peterson describes marriage as “Dancing in the Minefields.” What a picture! A couple is embraced in a romantic dance of life with dangers that could wound or destroy the relationship. Sadly, the minefields are often of our own making! What will help you be less of a mine who damages your own marriage? What kind of regular maintenance can you do to have a healthier marriage? Here are five basic principles that have helped us. Many more could be added, but if you master these, they can keep your marriage from exploding. Continue Reading →

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Promises for Parents of Prodigals: Romans 8:18-31

The Apostle John writes, “I have no greater joy than to hear my children are walking in the truth” (3 John 4). If this testimony accurately reflects the joy of parents whose children follow the Lord, then the opposite must be, “I have no greater sorrow than to hear that my children have rejected truth.” It is hard to imagine the pain experienced by the parent of a prodigal. After investing so much time and care into raising your child, now he or she has walked away from the Lord. You may wonder what you did wrong. Continue Reading →

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