Author: Tim Challies

The Victim of a Grave Injustice

Joseph was the victim of a grave injustice. Though he was a righteous man, he was being treated like an unrighteous one. Though he was pure, he was being treated like a convict. Though he was blameless, he was being treated like he was guilty. And there was no court of appeal, no opportunity to re-examine the evidence or cross-examine his accuser.See AlsoOur Salvation Through ChristGod Hates InjusticeThe Essential: Righteousness

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A La Carte (October 2)

A La Carte: Clearing up confusion about humility / A new initiative / Lessons in holiness / Contemporary Christian music / John Piper on overcoming spiritual laziness / The flipside of worry / and more.See AlsoA La Carte (August 29)A La Carte (August 26)A La Carte (July 9)

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A La Carte (October 1)

A La Carte: Don’t go to church; submit to one / Is the end of history at hand? / Steve Lawson and all the King’s men / Kevin DeYoung on headship and head coverings / How to raise godly teenagers / Atheist or Christian, we all choose our miracle / Kindle deals / and more.See AlsoA La Carte (August 26)A La Carte (August 12)A La Carte (June 6)

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True Rest Comes from God

This week the blog is sponsored by Burke Care. You are good and do good; teach me your statutes. Psalm 119:68 Corrie ten Boom as quoted as saying: “If you look at the world, you will be distressed. If you look within, you will be depressed. But if you look at Christ, you will be at rest.” This psalmist reached the same conclusion when he wrote this verse. He realized that the only true rest comes from God the Father, through Jesus the Son by the Holy Spirit. And he wants more… “You are good…” The psalmist is not trying to invent a catchy marketing quip to attract fellow Jews to the ways of God. This is a real-life summary of his experience with His God. After significant struggle and grief, the psalmist finds himself surrendering to a sovereign God by simply acknowledging what he now fully understands, “God, you are good!” “…and do good…”  Then the psalmist is quick to acknowledge that God is not silent or inactive. He is an initiating God who does good in addition to being God. He is not distant or aloof. God the Father is the ever present, close, self-initiating God who does good, always.  The psalmist does not say it specifically, but he is implying that God is always this way. He is implying that God is always good, and always does only good. “…teach me your statutes.” Then he concludes with the request to be taught more of God’s goodness. The psalmist admits that he wants…See AlsoThe Greatest Display of StrengthWhat Type of Vacation Reader Are You?Biblical Intensive Counseling

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The Sins of the Elderly and the Sins of Youth

The news about Steve Lawson hit hard. It’s not that Steve and I have ever been particularly close. In fact, I can’t think of a time he and I interacted outside the context of a conference. But he has been a steady presence at events for as long as I have been attending them. I don’t know how many times he and I were on the same list of speakers, but I would guess at least a dozen. Many times I benefited from his teaching, preaching, and writing. Always I was glad to learn that he and I would be in the same place at the same time.See AlsoA La Carte (June 30)A La Carte (8/31)A Conference for your Pastor

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