Author: Curtis Solomon

Living the Faithful Life

“For from Him and through Him and to Him are all things. To Him be glory forever. Amen.” Romans 11:36 is my favorite Bible verse. It succinctly encapsulates the purpose for everything. Everything that exists and everything that is done is for God’s glory. It also provides the rationale undergirding that purpose: everything exists and is done for God’s glory because He is the source, supplier, and maintainer of all. As we round the corner on another year, many take time to reflect on the year behind and consider the possibilities that lie ahead in the year to come. I want to encourage you, as you reflect and plan, to keep Romans 11:36 at the forefront of your thinking. Continue Reading →

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Does Pornography Use Disqualify from Ministry

“Does any pornography use automatically disqualify me from leadership in Christian ministry?” Before we delve deeper into this question, we want to make it clear that we do not speak for every Christian, nor do we claim to have absolute authority on this matter. There are many godly men and women who will disagree with the position we take. You, the reader, must weigh our words (and the words of those who disagree) against the only infallible, fully authoritative source of knowledge we have—the Bible. We will do our best to explain our position and support it biblically. Continue Reading →

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BCC Classic: Growing Compassionate Counsel Through Imagination

Compassion is one of my favorite words. The etymology of the word points to the basic meaning of “suffering together.” In Ephesians 4:32, the word that is sometimes translated as “compassionate” can also be translated as “tender-hearted.” We are called to have soft, tender hearts towards those we counsel. We are to enter into the suffering of the people we are seeking to minister to. We are to weep with those who are weeping (Rom. 12:15). But how do we do this with someone whose situation or struggle is completely foreign to us? My encouragement today: use your imagination. Continue Reading →

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Building Resilience Before Deploying Lethal Force: Preventative Counseling for Military and Law Enforcement Personnel

Preventative counseling is something that should be taking places in churches and between Christians all the time. This article demonstrates how Abigail’s intervention in David’s plan to murder Nabal offers a paradigm for preparing military and law enforcement personnel to face the temptation of vengeance killing. Continue Reading →

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Suffering Calculus

June is PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder) awareness month. In light of this season, I wanted to share a segment of the training I offer to equip biblical counselors with tools to help people overcome Post Traumatic Stress and other trials they face in the aftermath of trauma. I chose a section that is applicable to trauma but also to everyone who suffers.  Suffering tends to distort our perception of the world and God. It also narrows our focus onto ourselves. Remember the last time you stubbed your toe? Your pinky toe is not that big, and it didn’t actually break, but it hurt like crazy and demanded all your attention. Every movement cries out to you with pain, and all your thoughts are drawn to that one little toe. This example, of course, is a relatively insignificant form of suffering. But the principle applies to suffering of all kinds. Suffering draws our attention inward toward our pain. When we do look up from our pain and notice others who are also suffering, we can enter into the mental exercise I call “suffering calculus.” Continue Reading →

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