I just returned yesterday with a team from an amazing missions trip to the Dominican Republic. This morning as I am getting back to “real life” I am experiencing some typical post missions trip emotions. I learned so much on this trip and had so many amazing experiences. I am so glad to be home but there is a part of me that is sad I can’t somehow continue that experience. Why can’t “real life” be like that all of the time? Why can’t I wake up excited about each new day with a mission and a purpose to honor God and fervently serve everyone around me? How can I somehow bring this trip back with me?

Our main objective as a team was to be a blessing and a help to the orphanage that we served at; however, I know every one that went on this trip was blessed themselves by the kids and the workers there. We each learned something about the world around us and about ourselves.

Personally, going on this trip was like seeing my life through a magnifying glass. It showed areas of growth and sanctification in ways I would have never seen if

To continue...read the full-length post originally published on this site.