I’ve had a number of people ask about the third and final part of my review of White Fragility. It is coming soon! I had to preach on Sunday, so the sermon was my week’s major focus. But with that behind me, I’ll get back to the review.

Today’s Kindle deals include just a couple of books.

(Yesterday on the blog: We Are Praying For Our Children)

A Eulogy for a Friend, a Lament for our Nation

I think there’s value in reading David French’s lament for his friend—someone whose death you may have read about in the news. “This week a friend of mine died, and people across the country celebrated his death.”

How to Pray When You’re Feeling Anxious or Depressed

David Murray provides counsel on praying through difficulties like anxiety and depression.

A Time for Civil Disobedience? A Response to Grace Community Church’s Elders

You no doubt heard that John MacArthur and Grace Community Church decided to defy governmental orders and meet on Sunday. (See Grace’s statement here.) In this article Jonathan Leeman responds and interacts a little. This is a conversation worth having! (You can also listen to Leeman and Mark Dever discuss it

To continue...read the full-length post originally published on this site.