Here is your occasional reminder of two matters. The first is that all of the quote graphics I have ever posted are available for free at The second is that much of my content is available in Spanish at Volvamos al Evangelio.
Westminster Books has an Easter-related resource discounted for cheap and easy distribution.
He Knows the Mysteries of the Womb
This is tragic and stirring writing from Madelyn.
Render Unto Caesar Challenges Us All, Left and Right Alike
Here is a really thought-provoking (and slightly contrarian) article from Steve Kneale. He levels a challenge for culture warriors and social justice warriors alike. “There will be ways in which Jesus’ teaching on civil engagement challenges all of us. Submission to government, and seeking to live peaceful and quiet lives, will necessarily mean that we submit to all manner of laws that we simply don’t like. Some of them we may even find egregious impositions on us. There were, after all, few laws more galling to the Jews than paying a poll tax to an occupying force using blasphemous coinage!”
You Can’t Reclaim the Culture by Having More
To the full-length post originally published on this site.