Author: Steve Viars

BOD Megaphone: BCC Doctrinal and Confessional Statements

Our August 2024 mini-series on the BCC Grace and Truth blog provides a look at different facets of the BCC ministry, written by select members of our Board of Directors. In this first article, Steve Viars shares about the creation and vision of the BCC Doctrinal and Confessional Statements. In other contributions to the series, Curtis Solomon discusses the BCC Annual Leadership Summit, John Henderson explains how the BCC events calendar aligns with our mission and vision, and Betty-Anne Van Rees describes the unique benefits of the BCC Grace and Truth blog. Continue Reading →

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Biblical Counseling and International Ministry

Recently, I had the privilege of traveling with a team to participate in a biblical counseling training conference at Tokyo Baptist Church. Japan is a fascinating country of 128 million people, with less than 2% of the population claiming to be Christians of any type. The average church size is 30 persons, most of whom are older. According to Overseas Missions Fellowship (formerly China Inland Mission), 89% of the pastors in Japan are over age 50. Continue Reading →

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Gentleness in Counseling

Recently I walked away from an evening of counseling thinking about the incredible privilege it is to sit down and talk to people who wish to hear what God’s Word says about some their deepest hurts and challenges. There is a level of trust and vulnerability in that process that is delightful to experience. The… read more
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Impacting State Law

This year, Faith Church decided to work preemptively with our state lawmakers to pass a new law, Senate Bill 350, preventing any local government unit (city councils, town boards, county commissioners, etc.) from regulating “behavioral health and human services that are (1) licensed or certified or (2) exempted from licensure or certification; by the behavioral health and human services licensing board.” Our goal was to build additional protection into the state code for biblical counselors who, by law, are specifically exempted from licensure. By God’s grace, SB 350 passed both chambers of our state legislature and was signed into law by Governor Eric Holcomb on May 1, 2023. Now, no local government unit can attempt to regulate or restrict faith-based counseling anywhere in the state of Indiana ever again. Continue Reading →

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The Beauty and Power of God’s Presence in Counseling

First generation leaders in the biblical counseling movement often spoke about the synergistic relationship between preaching/teaching and counseling. They suggested that a person who regularly preaches or teaches God’s Word will be better prepared to counsel with sound theology and a person who regularly counsels will be better prepared to preach or teach God’s Word… read more
The post The Beauty and Power of God’s Presence in Counseling appeared first on Counseling with Confidence and Compassion.

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