Author: Steve Viars

The Challenge of Adjudication

Recently I was sitting in a conference room with several other individuals with the unfortunate task of reviewing details from two people who had approached our church leadership team with evidence that they believed constituted grounds for biblical divorce. In our particular form of church governance, our pastors and deacons function as our discipline committee. So ultimately, these cases will be adjudicated by a group of 55-60 elected leaders from our church family. Continue Reading →

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Conversion Therapy Bans – Coming to a Theater Near You

Faith Church and Biblical Counseling Ministries has just walked through one of the most intense two months in our forty-five-year history. Without warning or consultation with us, two West Lafayette City Council members proposed ordinance 31-21, which sought to ban unlicensed counselors from practicing conversion therapy with minors with a threatened fine of $1,000 per day. Continue Reading →

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Overcoming Bitterness

You don’t have to be in ministry long, either full-time or as a lay counselor, before you notice the temptation or perhaps even the tendency to become bitter. It may be because of the garden variety disappointments that attend living in a sin-cursed world. Perhaps people don’t appreciate you as much as you believe they should. Maybe you wanted the ministry to go in a particular direction, and others disagreed. It is very possible to let those kinds of experiences wear you down, and over time become embittered to certain people, situations, or even the ministry itself. Continue Reading →

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BCC Classic: Biblical Counseling as a Community Bridge

One of the great aspects of Christianity is that Jesus Christ has given His church clear marching orders. While we all articulate our mission statements in slightly different ways, the thrust is to glorify God by winning people to Jesus Christ and equipping them to be more faithful disciples. Most church leaders I know spend significant amounts of time contemplating the best ways to accomplish our God-given mission in the culture in which we live. Pastors literally around the world have asked me the same question; How can we reach our communities for Christ? Continue Reading →

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