Author: Andy Farmer

Do You Want My Opinion?

In the past week, I’ve had two experiences that confirm a need to get a better grip on how I share what I think about current events.  I was in what I thought was a normal conversation with someone I’ve known for a long time but don’t see very often.  Somehow, we wandered into the territory of election season. Almost immediately, my friend amped up a few notches and went off on corruption and conspiracies and rigged elections. What caught me off guard was not the intensity or content of the comments, as much as it was the absolute confidence my friend had that he was talking with someone who naturally agreed with him. But frankly, I had no interest in keeping that line of conversation going. Continue Reading →

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Majority Counselors and Minority Counselees

How does the majority/minority dynamic affect our role as pastors and counselors? My thoughts below are focused on the context of ethnicity, but they could equally be applied to other situations—for example, where older persons receive ministry from younger counselors or pastors or single people are receiving care in a context where most people in the community are married.  Continue Reading →

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A Biblical Counselor’s Treatment Room

I was looking at images of Sigmund Freud’s office recently—the “treatment room,” as he called it—where Freud conducted his psychoanalysis. The iconic photos show a parlor room in his house with the famous couch where patients would recline to receive therapy. Freud’s chair sits catty-cornered from the head of the couch, facing toward the opposite side of the room from where the patient faced. This arrangement, where the patient is staring upward into space and being guided by the disembodied voice of the therapist, was carefully arranged by Freud to establish the spatial experience he desired for his treatment goals. It made me step back and think about my own “treatment room.” How is my primary counseling space set up to fit my counseling goals? How is yours? Continue Reading →

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The Worthy Goal of Friendship

I co-host a podcast with a friend and fellow pastor. JT is a thirty-year-old African American brother in his first five years of pastoral ministry. I’m a 64-year-old white man beginning my fourth decade in ministry. The podcast is called “That Don’t Fit.” We chose the name because our purpose is to explore commonalities and differences across ethnic and generational lines. In May 2021, we did an episode on the place of friendship in our lives. We spent some time talking about friendships in our seasons of life. Continue Reading →

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