Author: Ernie Baker

Are Pastor’s Wives Prepared for Ministry?

Being in ministry forty years has only heightened my awareness of how crucial my wife is to any stability I have in ministry. Recently, we had a delightful time entertaining another ministry couple and their six children, and this wouldn’t have happened without Rose’s extraordinary gift of hospitality being on display, including her many hours of loving labor to prepare for the evening. My wife is a precious gift and is a significant reason why we have been in ministry forty years. She represents many pastors’ wives who are faithful, and they make me thankful. Continue Reading →

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Intervening in Crisis Marriages

During this global pandemic, one of the obvious results has been an increase in divorce. Relationships that were already weak are having a hard time sustaining the extra pressure. What can a church do when it becomes obvious a marriage is in crisis? Over the last few years, I have…
The post Intervening in Crisis Marriages appeared first on Association of Certified Biblical Counselors.

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Master’s University Biblical Counseling—Tapped into the Living Water

When I think of biblical counseling education at The Master’s University (TMU), I think of fresh water flowing from an inexhaustible source. The living source is the living Word of the living God empowered by the Holy Spirit. He unleashes the power of the Word and the Living Water Himself to transform lives. Because of the foundational beliefs of the university, what has flowed for thirty years is an abundance of relevant, fresh, clear, biblical truth delivered in cutting-edge ways. Graduates all over the planet have been taught how to use Truth to quench the thirst of weary souls. Continue Reading →

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