During this global pandemic, one of the obvious results has been an increase in divorce. Relationships that were already weak are having a hard time sustaining the extra pressure. What can a church do when it becomes obvious a marriage is in crisis?

Over the last few years, I have faced more of these relationships than any other time in ministry and therefore have spent a significant amount of time thinking of strategies of intervention. What can a church do? Is church discipline the only option?

Before we get to some suggested steps, I’ll attempt to define a crisis marriage.

What is a Crisis Marriage?

I am not discussing a relationship that is having brush fires break out. The marriages I have in mind are full-blown wildfires. Divorce is threatened or papers have actually been filed. Violence has become public. An affair has been revealed. A struggle with a secret sin has become known. In a crisis marriage, something has happened that is now life threatening for the relationship.1

I would like to clarify though for the purposes of this article that abuse is a heartbreaking category of crisis marriage that needs its own strategy.

Because marriage represents Christ’s relationship

To continue...read the full-length post originally published on this site.