A Beautiful 40-day Illustrated Devotional of Classic Literature
This week the blog is sponsored by P&R Publishing. In the newest release by Leland Ryken, A Treasury of Nature, he joins great works of poetry, hymnody, prose, and art with accessible literary analysis. As Ryken says in the Introduction to his book: “The overall goal of this anthology is to enable nature to be all that it can be in our lives. God created nature to bless us. He does not wish us to neglect such a great gift. Under this overall goal, the individual entries and their accompanying explications serve a range of purposes. One is to celebrate certain features of nature. Another is to set our affections or emotions in right tune (to borrow John Milton’s delightful phrase). A note of exhortation is also prominent—one that encourages us to do better. A plausible order of festivities is first to read an entry, then to study its commentary and devotional note, and finally to reread the text in light of any new understanding gained.” “John Calvin referred to nature as the theater of God’s glory. Dr. Ryken’s superb anthology offers us a front-row seat to take in nature’s artistry, beauty, and awe. Here we meet poets and pastors, hymnwriters and philosophers, all giving us better eyes to see and better ears to hear God’s glorious revelation in nature.” —Stephen J. Nichols, President, Reformation Bible College; Chief Academic Officer, Ligonier Ministries “As we read the entries in this anthology, we are helped by taking a trip back in time to the contemplative exercises of…See AlsoA La Carte (9/26)Book Review – Art for God’s SakeBook Review – City on a Hill
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