A Word from Bob

For the past several years, I’ve been studying what Reformed theologians teach about common grace. You can find a collation of all of that material here: Common Grace and Biblical Counseling.

As part of this study, I’ve been reading Abraham Kuyper’s biblical teaching on common grace. Here are earlier posts on Kuyper:

Abraham Kuyper on Common Grace, from Wisdom and Wonder: Common Grace in Science and Art. Every Square Inch of Human Existence: Kuyper on God’s All-Encompassing Common Grace: from Common Grace, Volume 1.

Today, we’re applying common grace to biblical counseling from Volume 2 of Kuyper’s Common Grace: God’s Gift for a Fallen World. Unless otherwise noted, all quotes in this post will come from this work.

What’s the Big Idea?

Here’s the big idea from today’s post:

Common grace does not glorify the unregenerate person, just like saving grace does not glorify the regenerate person. Common grace glorifies God!  Where Sin Abounds, Common Grace Superabounds! 

Kuyper maintains a God-centric, God-glorifying focus in his doctrine of common grace. For Kuyper:

Common grace is God the Sovereign Warrior combatting the curse. Common grace is God the Sovereign

To continue...read the full-length post originally published on this site.