Author: Tim Challies

A La Carte (October 25)

Today’s Kindle deals include a book on studying the Bible, one on poverty and the American dream, a series on Edwards, and a great one on doing battle with sin. When Feeble Senses Blind This is a great bit of writing. “Lately my feeble senses have tempted me to believe that God has forgotten to keep His promises. Why does it seem as though what was once full of life and beauty is now dying? How can it be true …

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A La Carte (October 24)

Today’s Kindle deals include a handful of books that may be of interest. Westminster Books has Bibles on sale that have been priced to give away. (Yesterday on the blog: God Gave Me Three Children (and Three Friends)) For Jesus’ Sake, Be Kind Trevin Wax: “We are swimming upstream these days when we look for opportunities to show kindness. In a culture where bullying is confused with strength and where insults fly from so many elected officials as a sign …

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God Gave Me Three Children (and Three Friends)

Children owe honor to their parents. Parents have the right to expect and demand honor and even to extend discipline to children who fail to give it, for God himself commands “Honor your father and your mother.” When children are young, this honor is shown especially in obedience—they are to submit to the authority of their parents, for in doing so they are submitting to God, the one from whom all authority flows. “Children, obey your parents in the Lord, …

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A La Carte (October 23)

We’ve been spoiled with quite a few good Kindle deals this week, and I’ve added some more today. Logos users, remember that you can use coupon code SAVE20NOW to get $20 off any item(s). Take Sin Seriously That is good counsel! “Take Christ seriously. Yes, of course. For every look at your sin, take ten looks at Christ. But will you want to look at Christ if you have not seen your need? Will you see your need if you …

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A La Carte (October 22)

Today’s Kindle deals include an extensive list of books from Matthias Media that, to my knowledge, have not been on sale before. (Yesterday on the blog: 6 Reasons For You To Consider Writing) The Pastor as Hourly Employee? “There are few things that elicit a deeper groan of sympathy from my own heart than a fellow pastor of a smaller church who tells me that his elders are suspicious enough to resort to tracking how much time he spends ‘in …

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