Today’s Kindle deals include a few classics and at least one newer work.

This month’s free book from Christian Audio is Tony Reinke’s Competing Spectacles. It’s there for the taking!

(Yesterday on the blog: Laughing at the Days to Come)

Say What No One Else Will

Some men may need this challenge. “When a man spends his brief existence as a remote-clicker, a couch-sitter, an unending joke-teller, when he starves his soul — that which he should not trade for the world (Mark 8:36) — on triviality, and wraps his affections around frivolity, he has become a shadow in a world that desperately needs men of great density.”

5 Ways to Pray for Your Pastor in 2020

Or any year, for that. “Pastors need the saints’ prayers because they are ever the object of the flaming arrows of the evil one. In addition, the world is eager to run them over at any opportunity. As one of my seminary professors so illustratively put it, ‘Ministers have a bull’s eye on their backs and footprints up their chests.’ Sadly, this is even a reality for pastors within the context of the local church.”

It’s 2020 and You’re in the Future

To the full-length post originally published on this site.