Author: Hayley Satrom

Connecting the Hurting with Their Church

Lisa experienced a terrifying event when a stranger broke into her home while she was there, stealing several of her belongings as she and her daughter cowered in a nearby room. Lisa is a single mom. This violation of her safety left her feeling paralyzed with fear for many weeks, even after the perpetrator was placed behind bars. As I discussed the spiritual, emotional, and practical fall-out with her, I sensed she needed more than just weekly counseling conversations in the aftermath of this traumatic event. Lisa needed her church family to step in. Continue Reading →

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Knowing God as Our Refuge

I wonder, have you ever found yourself in a similar predicament? Overwhelmed by a crisis, way in over your head? In my line of work as a counselor, I sit across from people every day that feel overcome by their circumstances—unsure how to fix a problem or sure that their problem can’t be solved. Continue Reading →

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Time to Hydrate

Do we want our souls to live? God says, “Come to the waters.” He offers life-giving water and food that satisfies, free of price! How do we receive this sustenance for our souls? “Listen diligently to me,” God invites us. “Hear that your soul may live.” God brings our souls to life through the supernatural power of His Living Word. He offers this satisfying sustenance to us free of price. All we need to do is come, listen, and delight ourselves in what we hear. Continue Reading →

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