Author: Nate Brooks Ann Maree Goudzwaard

Emotional Abuse Harms the Body Too

If we were to sum up our previous article in one sentence, it would be, “Emotional abuse, like physical abuse, is the abuse of a person, and therefore emotional abuse cannot be considered a trifling matter.” In this article, we want to push this discussion a bit further. While the last article argued theologically, we now want to turn and look at physiology. Continue Reading →

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Emotional Abuse Is the Abuse of the Person

In a world where three or four-year-old cell phones are relegated to the dustbin, it’s easy to forget we stand in a long stream of inherited theological traditions. Some of these traditions are specific, such as how the church uses words like “Trinity” and “one God in three persons” to describe Yahweh. That language has guided the church for a long time, and it’s a good and useful thing. Other traditions, such as particular styles of musical worship, are more elastic. Continue Reading →

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