Author: Garrett Higbee

Embracing the Hope in Christ for the Suicidal: Reflections from the BCC Summit

Attending the recent Biblical Counseling Coalition Summit last year was a profound experience, uniting leaders from around the world to address the critical issue of suicide from a biblical perspective. The personal testimonies shared by speakers who had faced suicidal feelings or lost loved ones or counselees to suicide added a deeply personal dimension to our discussions. Amidst the gravity of the topic, the Summit illuminated the unwavering hope found in Christ, a hope that serves as our soul anchor in times of despair (Heb. 6:19). Continue Reading →

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Biblical Counseling in the Digital Age: A Review of Care Track Case Management System

Discover Care Track: revolutionizing biblical counseling in the digital era. From robust case management to real-time supervision and seamless communication, it’s the ultimate tool for efficient, secure, and comprehensive care. Say goodbye to paperwork and hello to transformative counseling practices. Continue Reading →

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An Extraordinary Call to Every Believer, Part Two

While more and more leaders see soul care as an every-believer ministry (Rom. 15:14; Heb. 3:12-14), that does not mean they have a plan to equip, support, and supervise their people. It is the mission of most churches, and it’s not for lack of vision that it is falling short in many. It’s the “trellis work”—the care structure is missing. Making disciples is not the same as maturing disciples. Maturing disciples means a well-thought-out discipleship philosophy and lay leaders that are well-trained, supported, and supervised. Soul care-oriented discipleship at every level targets a deeper dependency on God and His Word, compassionate caregivers who gently restore believers caught in habitual sin (Gal. 6:1-2), and co-sufferers who help those in enduring trials (2 Cor. 1:3-5). Continue Reading →

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Healthy Rhythms in a Godly Marriage

Anyone who has been married for a while knows that a godly marriage takes work. The Scriptures set the bar for marriage pretty high and point to it as a picture of Christ and the church (Eph. 5:21-33). A beautiful example of love and respect is laid out in that passage. But that picture over time in our marriages can get deeply distorted by neglect and even torn up by selfishness if we are not careful. All we have to do is lack intentionality or let work, parenting, selfish pursuits, or the stress of life threaten the health of our marriage. Continue Reading →

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