A Match Made in Heaven: The Seven C’s of Picking a Godly Spouse
I have thought a lot about how to help young adults navigate “Christian dating,” courting, or whatever you might call finding a potential person you could marry. This is personal because I have two kids in their 20s and one who is 15 going on 20! It also applies to biblical counseling, as most of us do a lot of marriage counseling with couples who could have avoided so much pain if they had followed a biblical pattern for dating and marriage. So many couples think marriage is about happiness more than holiness. Some are looking for a spouse to fulfill what they have not yet found in Christ. Needless to say, there are days I scratch my head and wonder why the church does not require teens or young adults to go through a class on dating with a biblical worldview—a class that would help singles understand that you either tear up the air-brushed picture of the “perfect soulmate” or you are likely to tear up your spouse trying to achieve it. You either find satisfaction in Christ as your first love, or you will look for love in all the wrong places. Continue Reading →
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