Author: Michael Leister

Is Smoking a Joint Equivalent to Drinking a Beer?

What do you do if your own son or someone from your youth group stands in front of you and wants to discuss the topic of “legal joints” with you? This has already happened to me, and the argument is usually as follows, especially here in Germany: “You drink a glass of beer or wine and believe that is part of your Christian freedom, and I smoke a joint and equally believe this is part of my Christian freedom!” Continue Reading →

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Dealing with Challenging People in the Church

Has your congregation ever experienced brothers and sisters getting into open disputes about topics like the exact sequence of end-time events or even the color of the church carpet? Are you sometimes tired of the many brothers and sisters who are unwilling to forgive? Do you sometimes wish you had more members with whom you could have a good conversation about topics from history and politics? Why is the discipleship process so challenging, and seemingly the same issues must be taught or practiced repeatedly? Continue Reading →

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Hollywood, Netflix, & Co. Know Our Hearts

Man is made for glory. It is part of his creational identity and mission that he was originally meant to revolve around the contours of an immeasurably glorious Creator God. So when we fail to make our Creator the center of our worship, we don’t automatically stop being worshippers. Rather, we push other things, creation, and, first and foremost, ourselves to the center of worship. Hollywood, too, provides plenty of glory in its movies to thrill and captivate us, especially through the role of the main characters. Hollywood movies often provide a subtle but apt opportunity to emulate this self-worship by identifying with the movie heroes. We are thereby offered an opportunity to satisfy this urge for self-glorification by giving ourselves over to an illusion, slipping into the role of those stars for the time of the movie, and claiming this pretended glory for ourselves.

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Masturbation Is a Worship Disorder

The proper use of our sexuality is about much more than purity, abstinence, or self-control. When we strive to use our sexuality selflessly for the satisfaction and fulfillment of our spouse, we follow the ultimate example and model of our Creator and glorify Him. Sexuality practiced according to God’s design gives human beings the opportunity to portray God’s nature. Accordingly, the proper use of our sexuality is a question of worship. For whom or what do I really live? Who do I really want to serve? Who should ultimately be glorified in and through my life? Continue Reading →

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Wisdom for Dealing with COVID-19

Alongside the ever-changing Coronavirus ordinances, a debate has developed among Christians seeking to judge such measures in the light of the Word of God. This debate has slipped into areas that no longer bring honor to the Lord Jesus, do more harm than good to the universal Church in general and the local church in particular, and at times are simply unworthy of a Christian. Continue Reading →

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