Author: Joe Hussung

Empathy: The Counselor’s Virtue

When understood through a Christ-centered, biblical lens, empathy is a term that can encapsulate our willingness to seek to understand the counselee and be moved by their story so that we can help them in their suffering. I want to briefly highlight three ways in which the virtue of empathy helps us to care for people like Christ cared for people. Continue Reading →

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Book Review of I Want to Escape: Reaching for Hope When Life Is Too Much by Rush Witt

The desire to escape is something that we all have struggled with at one time in our lives. Whether we feel overwhelmed, afraid, or anxious, escaping feels like a viable way to cope with the pressures and difficulties of life. Rush Witt, in I Want to Escape: Reaching for Hope When Life Is Too Much, offers hope and help to people buckling under the weight of difficulty. Continue Reading →

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Three Questions to Make Sense of Anxiety

Our intuition is to say that anxiety is all about what we fear, but in reality, it is deeper than that. Anxiety is actually about what we love. When we feel anxious, we feel as though something in our life is being threatened. It may be a relationship, our reputation, or our children. We believe something we love is under threat, so we respond with anxiety. For those struggling with anxiety or helping those who do, here are three questions to help you understand how your heart is responding to anxiety. Continue Reading →

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Anxiety & Limitations

We are all created to be limited beings: Limited physically. Limited emotionally. Limited in our ability to control our world or know what will happen tomorrow. Our limitations are a part of God’s good design for our lives. He created us so we can recognize our finitude, and as biblical counselors, we should help our counselees recognize when they are not embracing their limitations and finitude. Here are three ways the Bible emphasizes our finitude in relation to the experience of anxiety. Continue Reading →

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