Good morning from home! I was tremendously blessed to spend time with believers in several European countries over the past few weeks. But, as always, I am glad to be home.

Westminster Books has a good deal on Paul Tripp’s new daily devotional. I’ve read a good bit of it and think it’s excellent.

Today’s Kindle deals include a tremendous pair of books that are massively reduced from their $45 list price: How to Understand and Apply the New Testament and How to Understand and Apply the Old Testament. Both will benefit you a lot, as will the other books on the list.

(Yesterday on the blog: A Whole List of Reasons to Consider Marrying Young)

The Complexity of Calling

I think Nick has done some really interesting and helpful writing here on what we mean when we talk about calling. “When we fail to see the ways the Bible talks about calling from different angles, we’ll inevitably reduce calling to something less than God intends. To that end, I find it very helpful to think of our ‘calling’ as Christians in terms of three layers of living the Christian

To the full-length post originally published on this site.