Today’s post features Pastor Colin S. Smith talking about, a free website that can help you share the God of the Bible with others. It is sponsored by Unlocking the Bible.

Sometimes a single conversation can have a profound influence on your entire life and ministry. That was true for me when I met a missionary by the name of Tony Howarth more than 30 years ago. Tony served with New Tribes Mission and dedicated his life to an unreached tribal group in northern Thailand.

He told me his story of how he first introduced himself to these tribal people, built his own home, learned their language, and began to write it for the very first time.

I was in awe of this man’s work, and asked him, “How do you explain the gospel to people who don’t even know who God is?” To which he answered: “We tell them the Bible story.”

In the past, evangelists in America had the advantage of being able to assume people had some knowledge of the Bible. People had a moral framework built around the Ten Commandments, and even if they did not believe in God, it was the

To the full-length post originally published on this site.