We are a week into the new year. We are already a week into the new year. While not all of us took the time to set ambitious goals and resolutions as we passed from December into January, I think most of us at least saw it as a kind of fresh start. A new year presents an ideal opportunity to address some bad habits, to interrupt some apathy, to start something fresh. And with all that in mind, I wonder: Have you read a book yet this year?

It’s not like reading a book is necessarily a sign of any great virtue—some of the world’s worst people have been some of the world’s most voracious readers. In fact, I’ve been working my through a long biography of Joseph Stalin in which I’ve learned that he was a bookworm who had an extensive library and was usually the best-read and most knowledgeable person in any room. That reading made him a worse, not better, person. But still, reading is the kind of thing most of us intend to do as one year rolls into the next. At least, few of us determine that in the year to come

To continue...read the full-length post originally published on this site.