Psalm 119:71 reads as follows:

It was good for me to be afflicted so that I could learn Your statutes (CSB)

Can you say this too?

Sometimes we become so busy—occupied with secondary matters—that we do not take adequate time to study God’s Word. It is in such times that we are given opportunity by God to do so.  One way in which He does this is to afflict us with some illness that stops us in our busy tracks. If we will not slow down and take time to learn from Him, He gives us that time!

Earlier in the same Psalm, the writer mentions the effect of the affliction:

Before I was afflicted I went astray, but now I keep Your word (v. 67).

Of course, one might fail to benefit from the affliction—indeed, he might only grouse and complain and, then, miss the whole point of it.  I know that it is not always easy when sick to do deep study—pain can make that difficult. But one can focus on one or two clear passages of Scripture and, upon his bed, think about how they apply to him.

However you do it—don’t miss out on the opportunity

To the full-length post originally published on this site.