Meticulous planning went into our New Year’s Eve celebration of 1999-2000. For those too young to remember, this was the infamous Y2K—cue The Twilight Zone theme. Life, as we knew it, may not continue.

The predictions poured in: networks would crash, technology be irrevocably altered, power grids go ominously dark, and clean water hard to be found.

The big evening arrived, and we determined to make each minute of this apocalyptic night count. Donning our matching shirts, we posed for pictures.

In the case that we did actually make it, we recorded resolutions.

(Apparently, my struggle with trusting the Lord is longstanding).

Together, we sat down for what may very well be our last supper. And, jolly jingles, if it was to be our last, then it was going to be good! Everyone’s favorites had been prepared. Suz

To the full-length post originally published on this site.