This week the blog is sponsored by Southern Seminary and was written by R. Albert Mohler Jr, who invites you to download your free copy of Truths You Can Trust.

Not too long ago, I was able to visit with two of the leading authorities on theological education in the world. Neither of these figures is an evangelical Christian, and both are heavily invested in mainline Protestant theological education through seminaries and divinity schools. The most interesting aspect of our conversation had to do with the amazing realignment of enrollment in theological education in the United States. Put simply, the mainline Protestant seminaries are collapsing, and the only real enrollment strength in theological education today is to be found among evangelicals, and among Southern Baptists in particular.

Of course, the most important factor here is theology. We can draw a direct line from the theological liberalism that captured the mainline schools to the collapse of their enrollment. The irony, not missed by theological conservatives, is that the promise of theological liberalism is to save Christianity by surrendering its essential truth claims.

Diogenes Allen, for decades a professor at Princeton Theological Seminary, described the situation by using the

To the full-length post originally published on this site.