The Story of the 63 Volumes

The Preaching of the Word by the chosen servants of the living God, is the ordained means for the gathering in of the elect. It is not the Word read, so much as that which is heard, which has the promise attached to it; hence the importance of a devout attendance on the ministry of the Gospel. Nevertheless, without doubt, the Holy Ghost who has helped us in the delivery of these Sermons, will also afford his divine assistance now that we send them forth in this volume.[1]

With these words, C. H. Spurgeon introduced the first volume of the New Park Street Pulpit, an annual volume of his weekly sermons that would be published beginning in January 1855. Over the years, Spurgeon’s weekly sermon became a staple in evangelicalism. They were sold throughout the English-speaking world. British evangelicals could go to the store on Thursday and pick up a copy of the latest sermon along with their weekly groceries. Even after he died in 1892, Passmore & Alabaster continued to publish sermons from their vast treasury of Spurgeon’s sermon transcripts. After all, Spurgeon regularly preached four times a week—sometimes as many

To the full-length post originally published on this site.