It has long been the conviction of Christians that once we have truly come to Christ in repentance and faith, we can never fall away from that faith. Those who have been justified can never be unjustified; those who have been indwelled by the Spirit will never be abandoned by him. Yet Christians have also agreed that it is possible for us to deceive ourselves and to deceive other people into thinking we have trusted in Christ when we have not. Hence we are told to be diligent in confirming our “calling and election” (1 Peter 1:10).

Knowing that we can be self-deceived, we must examine our lives to ensure we are living as Christians are called to live—that we are putting sin to death, that we are coming alive to righteousness, and that we are finding ever-greater joy in our relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ. And always we must pray that God would graciously preserve us by his Spirit so we can live in a way that is pleasing to him, then finish our race well and go to be with him forever.

Today I am sharing a prayer that

To the full-length post originally published on this site.