“I’ve about given up on that counselee!”
He’s a believer, isn’t he?
“Yeah. But he comes from a long line of loafers and no goods, and he’s inherited all their traits.”
Aw, c’mon!
“No, really. I’ve had it with him!”
Let me read you a passage from 1 Peter 1:18,19 in the CCNT/P:
. . . knowing that you weren’t set free from the useless behavior patterns that were passed down from your forefathers by . . . silver or gold, but with Christ’s valuable blood . . .
Christians are set free from their past. We’re not stuck with it. What a liberating thought—for both counselors and counselees!
“Yeah, but . . .. ”
Can’t have any buts when you’re talking about a biblical truth. Right?
Then, let’s begin by assuring you of the truth of this proposition. Until you believe it, you won’t be able to help your counselee the way you should. You need to be able instill hope in him—and that means you need the hope yourself.
Well, if you understand the biblical meaning of hope, it is nothing less than expectation, anticipation. It is expecting God to act faithfully about what He has said
To continue...read the full-length post originally published on this site.