Recent Biblical Counseling Discussions… 

Recently, the biblical counseling world has been discussing some vitally important questions.

How do we counsel a person whose earthly father portrayed a distorted image of the concept of ‘father”? 

What biblical passages and theological concepts about God the Father do we explore together and apply when counseling someone who had a sinfully abusive father?

“Is God the Father Like My Father”

When I saw these discussions, I remembered reading a very personal public post about this topic on The Gospel Coalition: Is God the Father Like My Father? In this post, Jonathan C. Edwards shares candidly and openly about his struggle.

“I was 25 years old before I could say the word “father” while praying. The word was foreign to me. It didn’t roll off my tongue the way it did for many of my Christian friends. It felt like a word from a foreign language. In one regard, it meant nothing. It was gibberish. But in another, it meant a world of things. Amid the cultural barriers, it still struck a nerve, because while it meant nothing, it meant everything.

It meant broken things.

Scary things.

Hurtful things.

How was I supposed to use

To the full-length post originally published on this site.