Not every thought makes a good article and sometimes an entire article can be distilled down to a single thought. For those reasons, I like to occasionally create what I have created here–a roundup of brief, random thoughts about Christian living. Some of these are original and some are drawn from articles I’ve written in the past. I hope there’s something here that is helpful to you.

In all likelihood, no one will ever sin against you more frequently than your spouse. It would be wise, then, to marry a person who knows when and how to ask forgiveness. In the same way, you will never sin against anyone more frequently than your spouse. It would be wise, then, to marry a person who knows when and how to extend forgiveness.

The man who desires sole authority within the local church and is convinced he can handle it proves that he is unworthy of having not only sole authority but any authority at all. Such a man is not fit for leadership.

The church is in

To the full-length post originally published on this site.