Good morning. Grace and peace to you.

Today’s Kindle deals include some volumes from the excellent ESV Expository Commentary series which are good for sermon preparation or personal study. They are a great deal at that price!

How I Am Getting My Mind Back This Year

Wyatt Graham: “My thoughts come slower. It can be hard to concentrate. I used to be able to sit down and focus for hours. Now, I feel myself getting distracted. An email comes. A text message pops up. And I feel swept away by the wave. I plan to swim against the current this year. You can too. But to do so, we need to first understand why the current flows so strongly towards mindlessness before planning our rage against the machine.”

Be the Kind of Person the World Needs

This is a good charge: Be the kind of person the world needs.

Never Too Busy to Pray

“The Gospels offer only a few glimpses into the routines of Jesus’s life outside his normal ministry. They show him traveling often. They show him eating at many different tables. They sometimes show him resting. But

To the full-length post originally published on this site.