Good morning. Grace and peace to you.

There are lots of good Kindle deals today, including several for parents and families (e.g. the Hughes’ Disciplines of a Godly Family and Paul Tripp’s Parenting). You may want to scroll down to yesterday’s deals as well as there were some good ones you may have missed.

Is Meta Chasing the Anti-Progressive Vibe Shift?

“We’re a nation driven by more than ideas and values. Arguably, our cultural engine is feelings, trends, and resonances—or ‘vibes.’ Right now we’re living through a vibe shift. Different trends are catching; new resonances are echoing; strange feelings are emerging. And the vibe shift is now affecting one of America’s most powerful corporations. Meta, Facebook’s parent company, is undergoing a conversion of its own.”

3 Reasons Why Joe Rogan’s Interview of Wes Huff Was Memorable

Stephen McAlpine: “The interview on the Joe Rogan show of Canadian Christian apologist and historian, Wes Huff, was a triumph. And I mean that without any sense of hubris. It ticked a lot of boxes. And it did so in a way that has had more cut-through than just about any apologetic moment (in the positive) that

To the full-length post originally published on this site.