The God of love and peace be with you today.

It’s another good day for Kindle deals. If you are interested in Spurgeon, if you struggle with addictions or anger, or if you are going through a time of grief, there’s something there for you.

(Yesterday on the blog: Why I Haven’t Written A Whole Lot about My Grandson)

What Does ‘Love Your Enemies’ Not Mean?

As we consider what it means to “love your enemies,” we must also consider what it does not mean. That’s what Patrick Schreiner does here.

The Darkness of Winter

I really enjoyed Vanessa Doughty’s reflections on the darkness of winter. “Who are we in the valleys of life—in the winters, the deserts? In the places where we feel stagnant and unproductive? When the Lord strips us of sunshine, and comfort, and our labor. When the abundance of the fields is halted, and the surface looks barren of growth and life. Who are we? Where do we find our purpose and value?”

One Believer Dies, Another Lives: On Reading Providence

God’s providence can sometimes seem arbitrary, like when one believer dies and another

To the full-length post originally published on this site.