A Word from Bob 

Have you seen it lately and wondered about it? I have.

I’ve seen some segments of the modern biblical counseling world labeling their approach “historic biblical counseling” or “classic biblical counseling.”

This move is designed to position and legitimize their model as the one true heir to true biblical counseling.

However, this begs the question(s):

What is “historic” biblical counseling? What is “classic” biblical counseling?

When Did Historic “Biblical Counseling” Begin? 

How do we date the beginning of “biblical counseling”? When did “biblical counseling” begin? What’s the birthdate of “biblical counseling”? We have to address these questions in order to answer the question, What is “historic,” “classic” biblical counseling?

Of course, answering these questions depends upon how we define “biblical counseling,” and upon how we trace the lineage of the personal ministry of the Word. So, let’s do that now…

If by “biblical counseling” we mean God’s Word, spoken by God Himself, instilling us with His wisdom to live for His glory, then biblical counseling began in Genesis 1-3 when God created and spoke to Adam and Eve. If by “biblical counseling” we mean God’s people sharing God’s wisdom and truth about how

To continue...read the full-length post originally published on this site.