Every generation of parents faces challenges as they raise their children in the discipline and instruction of the Lord. While some challenges are the same from age to age, others are unique to a particular time and context. Perhaps the greatest challenge of our day relates to new notions of gender, sexuality, and identity. Today’s parents need to equip themselves to understand these issues and train their children in them. Thankfully, we have many excellent resources available to us. Though I haven’t read them all, I have read quite a few. Here are some of the ones I most often recommend.

Grounded in Grace: Helping Kids Build Their Identity in Christ by Jonathan Holmes. This book focuses specifically on matters of identity. Holmes teaches parents the challenges children are facing today and how to counter them by helping their children establish an identity in Christ rather than gender, performance, accomplishments, or anything else. It covers a lot of different issues and provides practical, actionable instruction. (You can read my review or check it out at Amazon)

More to the Story: Deep

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