Today’s Kindle deals include all kinds of good books, highlighted by Kelly Needham’s new book Friendish. There is also a whole collection of general market monthly deals you may want to browse through.

Yesterday on the blog I reviewed and recommended Mercy for Today by Jonathan Parnell (my review).

What Is Common Grace (and Why Should We Care?)

“It’s been my observation over the past few years that believers are not well acquainted with this area of theology. This lack of familiarity is unfortunate because the doctrine of common grace can offer significant insight into our Christian experience, if rightly understood and applied. I see at least three reasons why Christians should become conversant with the doctrine of common grace (what we could also call God’s common goodness). Here are three reasons to become well-acquainted with the doctrine of common grace.”

The Punishing Signal (Video)

You’ll especially enjoy this if you’ve ever been to India.

Finding Life in a Life Sentence

Here’s an interesting one from WORLD. “Serial killer David Berkowitz tries to finish well in a circumstance that drives many to despair.”

Sign Stealing Scandal

This person did some amazing, perhaps even obsessive, work on solving the

To the full-length post originally published on this site.