I’ve got a few different deals to make you aware of today:

  • Logos users, the NICOT and NICNT series of commentaries are on sale. These volumes are the backbone of a good commentary collection. Be sure to also grab a free commentary.
  • My book Pilgrim Prayers is on sale at 10ofThose with coupon code timpodcast. (Also, I was featured on their podcast which you can listen to via any of the apps.)
  • Westminster Books has a great deal on a new book about the future of Reformed apologetics.
  • Today’s Kindle deals include several helpful books about children, worship, and more. What Would I Say to a Young Christian Reading John Mark Comer?

    J.A. Medders: “A pastor asked me what I would say to a 25-year-old devouring John Mark Comer’s books. And he also wanted to know my general take on JMC.” He offers some good thoughts.

    In Praise of Being Inconvenient

    Nadya Williams writes about something we both fear and resent: inconvenience. “We are desperately afraid of inconveniencing others—and at the same time, we are no less desperately annoyed when others

    To continue...read the full-length post originally published on this site.