Jeremiah records God’s words saying,

For My people have committed a double evil:
They have abandoned Me, the Fountain of living water, And . . .
Dug cisterns for themselves—cracked cisterns that cannot hold water.     Jeremiah 2: 11

If only those who are thirsty because they can’t find any water in their dry cisterns would recognize the reason for their dilemma, they might turn in repentance and drink freely of God’s living water! The trouble is that whenever you reject God, you always turn to an inadequate substitute. But too often this is not recognized so people try to get water from a cracked cistern!

Are you dying of thirst spiritually? Don’t know why? Consider the Lord’s words through Jeremiah, His prophet.  It’s likely that they will apply and explain your problem. I urge you to consider the possibility.

How to return?

By recognizing your problem, confessing your sin off substituting another way for God’s, and turning to Jesus Christ as Savior.

How do you turn to Him?

By trusting Him as the One Who died for the sins of all those who put their faith in  Him.  He is the Risen One Who will someday raise all who

To the full-length post originally published on this site.