The family of God is the only family that will last forever. For this reason, the Scriptures exhort us to do good to the household of faith. The “household of faith” is a phrase that is used in the Bible to refer to the spiritual family of Jesus Christ; that is, those who have been born again by the Holy Spirit to be new creations in Christ. The new birth and God’s adoption immediately places a person into the family of God, as a brother or sister in Christ—as a member of the household of the faith.

In Christ, we find an acceptance and love that surpasses anything that an earthly family can provide—more, in fact, than an earthly family was created to provide. The dysfunction in every marriage and family point to something infinitely more fulfilling: the perfect marriage of Jesus to his bride, the church, and God’s family of believers that will endure for eternity. Jesus himself testifies of the family that the heavenly Father is giving to Him as a reward for the work that He accomplished to purchase our salvation. Jesus reigns, though we do not yet see it with our physical eyes (Heb. 2:8-13). This

To the full-length post originally published on this site.