There are some lyrics we all especially treasure, certain lines that settle in especially near to our hearts. Personally, I often find myself pondering the words that begin CityAlight’s “In the Valley (Bless the Lord).” “When the path that I feared / Is the way He has set / And I long to give in and retreat.” While admitting I may be biased since CityAlight wrote the song to accompany my book Seasons of Sorrow, I believe the words describe an experience that every Christian knows.

At certain times each of us finds that God is leading us down the path we had dreaded, the path we had feared, the path we would never have chosen for ourselves. And in those moments—moments of looming grief, moments of looming poverty, moments of looming relational brokenness—we often long to give in and retreat, to turn from God in despair, disobedience, or disbelief. Few things are more intimidating than being led where we have not gone before and where our hearts may fear to go.

In such moments, I find there is comfort to be had in pondering God’s care for his people Israel, and especially

To the full-length post originally published on this site.