Timeless Truth for Our Changing Times 

You’re reading Part 5 in an ongoing RPM Ministries blog mini-series on Timeless Truth for Our Changing Times: The Ancient Paths of Soul Care. In this series:

We’re examining ancient, historical Christian soul care to see what our 50-year-young modern nouthetic biblical counseling movement can learn from the ancient paths of 2,000 years of church history.

Here’s information on and links to our previous posts in this blog mini-series:

In Part 1, I tell the story of my history with church history. I also introduce you to my writings on the history of soul care. You can read that post here: 3 Books on Biblical Counseling in Church History: A Treasure Hunt. In Part 2, I introduce you to “the democracy of the dead”—to past voices speaking to us today. You can read that post here: 17 Resources on the History of Pastoral Counseling, Soul Care, and Biblical Counseling. In Part 3, I ask and answer a series of questions. How do we date the beginning of “biblical counseling”? When did “biblical counseling” begin? What’s the birthdate of “biblical counseling”? What is “historic,” “classic” biblical counseling? You

To continue...read the full-length post originally published on this site.